Liberty University High School Elite Meet Date: 12-12-09   Venue: Liberty-Tolsma Indoor Track Center - Lynchburg, VA
Types of Entrants:
    High Schools
Meet Site: Meet Information
Meet Events: Available
Name: Brandon Hoskins

Phone: 4349441005
Fax: 434 582-2076
Liberty University
1971 University Blvd
VA 24502
Online entries CLOSED on 12/7/09 05:00 PM US/Eastern
Existing Users Login to Enter: New Users:
Meet Notes:
    The Liberty Elite meet is as its name suggests for the more elite level athlete. There will not be as many athletes at this meet as other meets that are hosted here. The idea here is to create and environment with better competition. Entry Fee: $10 dollars per athlete per event. Spikes: Pyramid Spikes Only. The maximum spike length will be ¼ inch in length. Judges and clerks will be checking shoes at check in for each event. Athletes will be disqualified for improper spikes. Implements: All implements must meet the VHSL rules. Implement weigh in will take place at the weigh in room on the north side of the track. All implements must be checked in an hour before the event starts in order to be used. Starting Heights: Pole Vault Girls-Starts at 7’0” then by 6 inches. Pole Vault Boys - 9’ 10’ then by 6 inches. High Jump Girls- 4’2" up to 4’6” then by 2 inches. High Jump Boys-5’0” up to 5’4” then by 2 inches. Entry Deadline: The deadline for entries will be Monday Dec 7th at 5:00pm Girls Boys 55m 8.0 7.1 55m hur 10.5 9.6 300m 46.0 41 500m 1:30 1:14 1000m 3:25 2:55 1600m 5:55 4:55 3200m 13:10 10:45 4x2 relay 2:04 1:45 4x4 relay 4:50 4:00 4x8 relay 11:30 9:30 H J 4’6” 5’6” L J 14’6” 18’ T J 28’ 33’6” Shot 25’ 37’ P V 7’ 9’ Meet T-Shirts will be for sale.