Ferguson Falcons Middle School CC Invitational | Date: 09-17-09 Venue: Larry & Penny Thompson Park, FL |
Types of Entrants:
Middle Schools/Junior High/Elementary
Meet Site:
Meet Information
Meet Events: Available |
MEET CONTACT Name: Larry Wooten
Phone: 786 409 1869 |
Online entries CLOSED on 9/12/09 11:59 PM US/Eastern
Existing Users Login to Enter: | New Users: |
Meet Notes:
For full meet information, go to the meet link on the flrunners website- http://fl.milesplit.us/meets/53678 . ENTRY FEE: $80 per team, $40 if only one gender team . MEET DIRECTOR: Coach Ryan Raposo. Email: rraposo@dadeschools.net ; CELL: 305-788-4232
For full meet information, go to the meet link on the flrunners website- http://fl.milesplit.us/meets/53678 . ENTRY FEE: $80 per team, $40 if only one gender team . MEET DIRECTOR: Coach Ryan Raposo. Email: rraposo@dadeschools.net ; CELL: 305-788-4232