Breck, Deborah Class: Sophomore Team: San Mateo
Women's Track & Field Summary:
Year Season Class Shot Put Discus Throw Hammer Throw Javelin
2006 Outdoor SO 27'  8.5" 113'  8" - 96'  2"
2005 Outdoor SO 26'  4" 105'  6" 87'  4" 81'  7"
All Results
Date Meet Event Prelim/Final Time/Mark
04/30/06 Northern California Community College Championships Discus Throw P 108'  9"
04/30/06 Northern California Community College Championships Javelin P 72'  3"
04/27/06 Coast Conference Championships Discus Throw F 105'  7"
04/27/06 Coast Conference Championships Javelin F 84'  10"
04/14/06 2006 Viking Twilght Invitational Discus Throw F 106'  0"
04/14/06 2006 Viking Twilght Invitational Javelin F 82'  3"
04/07/06 Ed Adams Invitational Javelin F 89'  6"
04/07/06 Ed Adams Invitational Discus Throw F 113'  8"
04/01/06 Chabot Relays Discus Throw F 90'  5.5"
04/01/06 Chabot Relays Javelin F 85'  7"
03/23/06 West Valley College Invitational Javelin F 96'  2"
03/23/06 West Valley College Invitational Discus Throw F 101'  11"
03/17/06 San Jose Invitational Discus Throw F 93'  7"
03/17/06 San Jose Invitational Javelin F 92'  10"
02/23/06 NORCAL 5-Way Rotational-San Mateo@ Diablo Valley Discus Throw F 107'  10"
02/23/06 NORCAL 5-Way Rotational-San Mateo@ Diablo Valley Shot Put F 27'  8.5"
02/23/06 NORCAL 5-Way Rotational-San Mateo@ Diablo Valley Javelin F 91'  11"
02/10/06 Coast Preview Shot Put F 27'  1"
02/10/06 Coast Preview Discus Throw F 92'  9"
02/10/06 Coast Preview Javelin F 87'  10"
02/02/06 Hartnell College--College of San Mateo Icebreaker Shot Put F 26'  1"
02/02/06 Hartnell College--College of San Mateo Icebreaker Javelin F 80'  5"
02/02/06 Hartnell College--College of San Mateo Icebreaker Discus Throw F 101'  10"
04/24/05 NorCal CC Championships Discus Throw F 98'  0"
04/24/05 NorCal CC Championships Discus Throw P 104'  6"
04/23/05 Coast Conference Championships Javelin F 69'  9"
04/23/05 Coast Conference Championships Hammer Throw F 87'  4"
04/23/05 Coast Conference Championships Discus Throw F 104'  11"
04/15/05 Viking Twilight Invitational Discus Throw F 103'  6"
04/15/05 Viking Twilight Invitational Hammer Throw F ND
04/15/05 Viking Twilight Invitational Javelin F 74'  6"
04/09/05 Fresno City Invitational Discus Throw F 90'  3"
04/09/05 Fresno City Invitational Shot Put F 26'  1"
04/09/05 Fresno City Invitational Hammer Throw F 83'  3"
04/09/05 Fresno City Invitational Javelin F 78'  11"
04/01/05 Ed Adams Invitational Hammer Throw F ND
04/01/05 Ed Adams Invitational Javelin F 81'  7"
04/01/05 Ed Adams Invitational Discus Throw F 98'  2"
03/23/05 Hartnell Rotational Discus Throw F 103'  9"
03/23/05 Hartnell Rotational Shot Put F 25'  9.75"
03/23/05 Hartnell Rotational Hammer Throw F ND
03/23/05 Hartnell Rotational Javelin F 73'  2"
03/17/05 West Valley Invitational Hammer Throw F 87'  4"
03/17/05 West Valley Invitational Javelin F 69'  9"
03/17/05 West Valley Invitational Discus Throw F 104'  11"
03/05/05 Beaver Relays Hammer Throw F 83'  11"
03/05/05 Beaver Relays Discus Throw F 96'  5"
03/05/05 Beaver Relays Javelin F 71'  0"
03/05/05 Beaver Relays Shot Put F 25'  4.5"
02/25/05 West Valley Rotational Discus Throw F 103'  1"
02/25/05 West Valley Rotational Shot Put F 26'  4"
02/25/05 West Valley Rotational Hammer Throw F 69'  2"
02/25/05 West Valley Rotational Javelin F 77'  8"
02/11/05 Coast Conference Preview Javelin F 69'  9"
02/11/05 Coast Conference Preview Hammer Throw F 87'  4"
02/03/05 CSM-MPC@Hartnell Javelin F 70'  0"
02/03/05 CSM-MPC@Hartnell Shot Put F 24'  9"
02/03/05 CSM-MPC@Hartnell Discus Throw F 105'  6"
02/03/05 CSM-MPC@Hartnell Hammer Throw F 75'  11"