Pennsylvania Sport: Track & Field   
Men's Teams Women's Teams
A. P. Randolph Career A. P. Randolph Career
Abington Abington
Abington Friends Abington Friends
Abington Heights Abington Heights
Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln
Abraxas I Arlene Lissner
Academy Park Academy Park
Academy of Notre Dame
Adams County Christian Adams County Christian
Adventure Learning Center Adventure Learning Center
Agnes Irwin School Agnes Irwin School
Albert Gallatin Albert Gallatin
Aliquippa Aliquippa
Allegheny Clarion Valley Allegheny Clarion Valley
Allentown Central Catholic Allentown Central Catholic
Alliance Christian Alliance Christian
Altoona Area Altoona Area
Ambridge Area Ambridge Area
Anchor Christian Anchor Christian
Annville Cleona Annville Cleona
Apollo Ridge Apollo Ridge
Archbishop Carroll Archbishop Carroll
Archbishop Prendergast
Archbishop Ryan Archbishop Ryan
Archbishop Wood Archbishop Wood
Armstrong Armstrong
Athens Area Athens Area
Avella Area Avella Area
Avon Grove Avon Grove
Avonworth Avonworth
Bald Eagle Area Bald Eagle Area
Baldwin Baldwin
Baldwin School
Bangor Area Bangor Area
Bartram Bartram
Bayard Rustin Bayard Rustin
Beaver Area Beaver Area
Beaver County Christian Beaver County Christian
Beaver Falls Beaver Falls
Bedford Bedford
Belle Vernon Area Belle Vernon Area
Bellefonte Bellefonte
Belleville Mennonite Belleville Mennonite
Bellwood-Antis Bellwood-Antis
Ben Franklin Ben Franklin
Bensalem Bensalem
Bentworth Bentworth
Berks Catholic Berks Catholic
Berlin Brothersvalley Berlin Brothersvalley
Bermudian Springs Bermudian Springs
Berwick Area Berwick Area
Bethel Park Bethel Park
Bethlehem Catholic Bethlehem Catholic
Bethlehem Center Bethlehem Center
Bethlethem Christian Bethlethem Christian
Beverly Hills Middle School Beverly Hills Middle School
Big Spring Big Spring
Biglerville Biglerville
Bishop Canevin Bishop Canevin
Bishop Carroll Bishop Carroll
Bishop Guilfoyle Bishop Guilfoyle
Bishop Hafey Bishop Hafey
Bishop Hannan Bishop Hannan
Bishop Hoban Bishop Hoban
Bishop McDevitt Bishop McDevitt
Bishop McDevitt (Wyncote) Bishop McDevitt (Wyncote)
Bishop Mccort Bishop Mccort
Bishop O'Hara Bishop O'Hara
Bishop O'Reilly Bishop O'Reilly
Bishop Shanahan Bishop Shanahan
Blackhawk Blackhawk
Blacklick Valley Blacklick Valley
Bloomsburg Bloomsburg
Blue Mountain Blue Mountain
Blue Mountain Christian Blue Mountain Christian
Blue Ridge Blue Ridge
Bodine Bodine
Boiling Springs Boiling Springs
Bok Bok
Boyertown Area Boyertown Area
Boys Latin Charter
Bradford Area Bradford Area
Brandywine Heights Brandywine Heights
Brashear Brashear
Brentwood Brentwood
Bristol Bristol
Brockway Area Brockway Area
Brookville Area Brookville Area
Brownsville Area Brownsville Area
Bucktail Area
Burgettstown Burgettstown
Burrell Burrell
Butler Butler
CFS, The School at Church Farm CFS, The School at Church Farm
California Area California Area
Calvary Christian Calvary Christian
Cambria Heights Cambria Heights
Cambridge Springs Cambridge Springs
Cameron County Cameron County
Camp Hill Camp Hill
Canon-McMillan Canon-McMillan
Canton Area Canton Area
Carbondale Area Carbondale Area
Cardinal Dougherty Cardinal Dougherty
Cardinal O'Hara Cardinal O'Hara
Carlisle Carlisle
Carlynton Carlynton
Carrick Carrick
Carson Long Military Institute
Carver Engineering & Science Carver Engineering & Science
Catasauqua Catasauqua
Cathedral Preparatory Sch
Cedar Cliff Cedar Cliff
Cedar Crest Cedar Crest
Central Bucks East Central Bucks East
Central Bucks South Central Bucks South
Central Bucks West Central Bucks West
Central Cambria Central Cambria
Central Columbia Central Columbia
Central Dauphin Central Dauphin
Central Dauphin East Central Dauphin East
Central Mountain Central Mountain
Central Valley Central Valley
Central York Central York
Chambersburg Chambersburg
Charleroi Area Charleroi Area
Chartiers Valley Chartiers Valley
Chartiers-Houston Chartiers-Houston
Cheltenham Cheltenham
Chester Chester
Chester Charter Chester Charter
Chestnut Ridge Chestnut Ridge
Chichester Chichester
Christian Sch Of York Christian Sch Of York
Clairton Clairton
Clarion Area Clarion Area
Clarion-Limestone Clarion-Limestone
Claysburg Kimmel Claysburg Kimmel
Clearfield Clearfield
Coatesville Area Coatesville Area
Cocalico Cocalico
Columbia Columbia
Columbia County Christian Columbia County Christian
Columbia Montour Avts Columbia Montour Avts
Commodore Perry Commodore Perry
Communications Communications
Community Academy Of Phila Community Academy Of Phila
Conemaugh Twp Area Conemaugh Twp Area
Conemaugh Valley Conemaugh Valley
Conestoga Conestoga
Conestoga Christian Sch Conestoga Christian Sch
Conestoga Valley Conestoga Valley
Conneaut Lake Conneaut Lake
Conneaut Valley Conneaut Valley
Connellsville Area Connellsville Area
Conrad Weiser Conrad Weiser
Conrad Weiser Junior High Scho Conrad Weiser Junior High Scho
Constitution Constitution
Conwell-Egan Catholic Conwell-Egan Catholic
Cornell Cornell
Cornell Abraxas Sch
Corry Area Corry Area
Coudersport Coudersport
Council Rock North Council Rock North
Council Rock South Council Rock South
Country Day
Covenant Christian Acad Covenant Christian Acad
Coventry Christian Sch Coventry Christian Sch
Cowanesque Valley Cowanesque Valley
Cranberry Cranberry
Creative & Performing Arts Creative & Performing Arts
Crestwood Crestwood
Cristo Rey Philadelphia Cristo Rey Philadelphia
Cumberland Valley Cumberland Valley
Curwensville Area Curwensville Area
Dallas Dallas
Dallastown Area Dallastown Area
Daniel Boone Daniel Boone
Daniel Boone MS Daniel Boone MS
Danville Area Danville Area
Dayspring Christian Acad Dayspring Christian Acad
Deer Lakes Deer Lakes
Delaware Co Christian Sch Delaware Co Christian Sch
Delaware Valley Delaware Valley
Delaware Valley Charter Sch Delaware Valley Charter Sch
Delone Catholic Delone Catholic
Derry Area Derry Area
Devon Preparatory Sch
Dobbins-Randolph Avts Dobbins-Randolph Avts
Dock Mennonite Academy Dock Mennonite Academy
Donegal Donegal
Dover Dover
Downingtown East Downingtown East
Downingtown West Downingtown West
DuBois Area DuBois Area
DuBois Area Middle School - JH DuBois Area Middle School - JH
DuBois Central Catholic DuBois Central Catholic
Dunmore Dunmore
Duquesne Duquesne
E. W. Rhodes
ETR Middle School Girls Track
East Allegheny East Allegheny
East Juniata East Juniata
East Pennsboro East Pennsboro
East Stroudsburg Area North East Stroudsburg Area North
East Stroudsburg Area South East Stroudsburg Area South
Eastern Lebanon Co Eastern Lebanon Co
Eastern York Eastern York
Easton Area Easton Area
Edison Edison
Eisenhower Eisenhower
Elizabeth Forward Elizabeth Forward
Elizabethtown Area Elizabethtown Area
Elk County Catholic Elk County Catholic
Elk Lake Elk Lake
Elk Lake JHS Elk Lake JHS
Ellwood City Ellwood City
Elmer L Meyers Elmer L Meyers
Emmaus Emmaus
Engineering and Science Engineering and Science
Ephrata Ephrata
Episcopal Academy Episcopal Academy
Erie Central Erie Central
Erie East Erie East
Everett Area Everett Area
Exeter Exeter
Exeter Junior High School Exeter Junior High School
Fairfield Area Fairfield Area
Fairview Fairview
Faith Christian Acad Faith Christian Acad
Faith Christian Sch Faith Christian Sch
Fannett Metal Fannett Metal
Farrell Farrell
Father Judge
Fels Fels
Fleetwood Fleetwood
Forbes Road Forbes Road
Ford City Ford City
Forest City Regional Forest City Regional
Forest Hills Forest Hills
Fort Cherry Fort Cherry
Fort LeBoeuf Fort LeBoeuf
Fox Chapel Area Fox Chapel Area
Frankford Frankford
Franklin Area Franklin Area
Franklin Learning Center Franklin Learning Center
Franklin Regional Franklin Regional
Franklin Regional M. S. Franklin Regional M. S.
Franklin Towne Charter Franklin Towne Charter
Frazier Frazier
Freedom Freedom
Freedom Area Freedom Area
Freeport Freeport
Freire Charter Sch Freire Charter Sch
Friends' Central Friends' Central
Furness Furness
G A R Memorial G A R Memorial
G.A.R. Memorial G.A.R. Memorial
GVMS Girls Track
Galeton Galeton
Garden Spot Garden Spot
Garden Spot MS Garden Spot MS
Garnet Valley Garnet Valley
Garnet Valley Middle School
Gateway Gateway
Geibel Catholic Geibel Catholic
General McLane General McLane
George Junior Republic Sch
George School George School
George Washington George Washington
Germantown Germantown
Germantown Academy Germantown Academy
Germantown Friends Germantown Friends
Gettysburg Area Gettysburg Area
Girard Girard
Girard College Girard College
Glen Mills Sch
Glendale Glendale
Gov. Mifflin Boys JH
Governor Mifflin Governor Mifflin
Governor Mifflin Middle School
Grace Prep Grace Prep
Grandview Heights Christian Grandview Heights Christian
Great Valley Great Valley
Greater Johnstown Greater Johnstown
Greater Latrobe Greater Latrobe
Greater Nanticoke Area Greater Nanticoke Area
Greencastle Antrim Greencastle Antrim
Greensburg Central Catholic Greensburg Central Catholic
Greensburg Salem Greensburg Salem
Greensburg Salem Middle School Greensburg Salem Middle School
Greenville Greenville
Greenwood Greenwood
Grier School Grier School
Grove City Grove City
Gwynedd Mercy Acad
HS for Human Services HS for Human Services
HS of the Future HS of the Future
Hamburg Area Hamburg Area
Hampton Hampton
Hams men
Hanover Hanover
Hanover Area Hanover Area
Harbor Creek Harbor Creek
Harmony Area Harmony Area
Harrisburg Harrisburg
Harrisburg Acad Harrisburg Acad
Harrisburg Christian Sch Harrisburg Christian Sch
Harriton Senior Harriton Senior
Harry S Truman Harry S Truman
Hatboro-Horsham Hatboro-Horsham
Haverford Haverford
Haverford School
Hazleton Hazleton
Hazleton Area Hazleton Area
Hempfield Hempfield
Hempfield Area Hempfield Area
Hempfield BLUE Hempfield BLUE
Hempfield SILVER Hempfield SILVER
Hershey Hershey
Hershey Christian Hershey Christian
Hickory Hickory
High Point Baptist Acad High Point Baptist Acad
Highlands Highlands
Hill-Freedman World Academy Hill-Freedman World Academy
Hollidaysburg Area Hollidaysburg Area
Holy Cross Holy Cross
Holy Ghost Prep
Holy Name Holy Name
Holy Redeemer Holy Redeemer
Homer Center Homer Center
Honesdale Honesdale
Hope Charter Sch Hope Charter Sch
Hopewell Hopewell
Hughesville Hughesville
Huntingdon Area Huntingdon Area
Hyndman Hyndman
Imhotep Charter Sch Imhotep Charter Sch
Immanuel Christian Immanuel Christian
Indian Valley Indian Valley
Indiana Indiana
Interboro Interboro
Iroquois Iroquois
J. W. Hallahan
James Buchanan James Buchanan
James M Coughlin James M Coughlin
Jeannette Jeannette
Jefferson Morgan Jefferson Morgan
Jenkintown Jenkintown
Jersey Shore Area Jersey Shore Area
Jim Thorpe Area Jim Thorpe Area
Johnsonburg Area Johnsonburg Area
Johnstown Christian Sch Johnstown Christian Sch
Juniata Juniata
Juniata Valley Juniata Valley
Kane Area Kane Area
Karns City Karns City
Kennard-Dale Kennard-Dale
Kennedy Catholic Kennedy Catholic
Kennedy-Kenrick Catholic Kennedy-Kenrick Catholic
Kennett Kennett
Kensington Kensington
Keystone Keystone
Keystone Oaks Keystone Oaks
Kiski Area Kiski Area
Kiski Area Jr High Track Kiski Area Jr High Track
Kittanning Senior Kittanning Senior
Kutztown Area Kutztown Area
Kutztown JHS Kutztown JHS
La Salle College
Lackawanna Trail Lackawanna Trail
Lake Lehman Lake Lehman
Lakeland Lakeland
Lakeview Lakeview
Lamberton Lamberton
Lampeter-Strasburg Lampeter-Strasburg
Lancaster Catholic Lancaster Catholic
Lancaster County Christian Lancaster County Christian
Lancaster Mennonite Sch Lancaster Mennonite Sch
Langley Langley
Lansdale Catholic Lansdale Catholic
Laurel Laurel
Laurel Highlands Laurel Highlands
Lebanon Lebanon
Lebanon Catholic Lebanon Catholic
Leechburg Area Leechburg Area
Lehigh Valley Academy Lehigh Valley Academy
Lehigh Valley Christian Lehigh Valley Christian
Lehighton Area Lehighton Area
Lewisburg Area Lewisburg Area
Lewistown Lewistown
Liberty Liberty
Ligonier Valley Ligonier Valley
Linesville Linesville
Linville Hill Christian Linville Hill Christian
Lititz Christian Sch Lititz Christian Sch
Little Flower Catholic
Littlestown Littlestown
Living Water Christian Acad Living Water Christian Acad
Living Word Acad Living Word Acad
Louis E. Dieruff Louis E. Dieruff
Lower Dauphin Lower Dauphin
Lower Merion Lower Merion
Lower Moreland Lower Moreland
Loyalsock Twp Loyalsock Twp
MMI Prep MMI Prep
Mahanoy Area Mahanoy Area
Malvern Prep
Manheim Central Manheim Central
Manheim Township Manheim Township
Mansfield Mansfield
Maplewood Maplewood
Marian Catholic Marian Catholic
Mariana Bracetti Acad Mariana Bracetti Acad
Marion Center Marion Center
Marple Newtown Marple Newtown
Mars Area Mars Area
Martin Luther King Martin Luther King
Martinsburg Central Martinsburg Central
Mast Charter Sch Mast Charter Sch
Mastbaum Mastbaum
Masterman Masterman
Mastery Charter School Mastery Charter School
Math, Civics & Sci Math, Civics & Sci
McCaskey McCaskey
McConnellsburg McConnellsburg
McDowell McDowell
McGuffey McGuffey
Mckeesport Area Mckeesport Area
Meadowbrook Christian Sch Meadowbrook Christian Sch
Meadville Area Meadville Area
Mechanicsburg Mechanicsburg
Mercer Area Mercer Area
Mercersburg Academy Mercersburg Academy
Mercyhurst Preparatory Sch Mercyhurst Preparatory Sch
Merion Mercy Acad
Methacton Methacton
Meyersdale Area Meyersdale Area
Mid Valley Mid Valley
Mid Valley Secondary Center Mid Valley Secondary Center
Midd-West Midd-West
Middletown Middletown
Mifflin County Mifflin County
Mifflinburg Area Mifflinburg Area
Millersburg Area Millersburg Area
Millville Millville
Milton Area Milton Area
Milton Hershey Sch Milton Hershey Sch
Minersville Area Minersville Area
Mohawk Area Mohawk Area
Monaca Monaca
Monessen Monessen
Moniteau Moniteau
Monsignor Bonner
Montgomery Area Montgomery Area
Montour Montour
Montoursville Area Montoursville Area
Montrose Montrose
Moon Area Moon Area
Moravian Acad Moravian Acad
Morrisville Morrisville
Moshannon Valley Moshannon Valley
Motivation Motivation
Mount Alvernia Mount Alvernia
Mount Carmel Area Mount Carmel Area
Mount Lebanon Mount Lebanon
Mount Saint Joseph Acad
Mount Union Area Mount Union Area
Mountain View Mountain View
Mt. Calvary Christian Mt. Calvary Christian
Mt. Pleasant Mt. Pleasant
Mt. Pleasant Area Junior High Mt. Pleasant Area Junior High
Muhlenberg Muhlenberg
Muhlenberg MS Muhlenberg MS
Nanticoke Area Nanticoke Area
Nativity Bvm Nativity Bvm
Nazareth Academy
Nazareth Area Nazareth Area
Neighborhood Academy Neighborhood Academy
Neshaminy Neshaminy
Neshannock Neshannock
New Brighton New Brighton
New Castle New Castle
New Covenant Acad New Covenant Acad
New Hope-Solebury New Hope-Solebury
New Media Tech Charter New Media Tech Charter
New Oxford New Oxford
Norristown Area Norristown Area
North Allegheny North Allegheny
North Catholic North Catholic
North Clarion North Clarion
North East North East
North Hills North Hills
North Penn North Penn
North Penn-Mansfield North Penn-Mansfield
North Pocono North Pocono
North Rome Christian School North Rome Christian School
North Schuylkill North Schuylkill
North Star North Star
Northampton Area Northampton Area
Northeast Northeast
Northeast Bradford Northeast Bradford
Northeast Catholic
Northeastern Northeastern
Northern Northern
Northern Bedford Northern Bedford
Northern Cambria Northern Cambria
Northern Lebanon Northern Lebanon
Northern Lehigh Northern Lehigh
Northern Potter Northern Potter
Northgate Northgate
Northwest Area Northwest Area
Northwest Area Junior High Northwest Area Junior High
Northwestern Northwestern
Northwestern Lehigh Northwestern Lehigh
Norwin Norwin
Norwin Middle School Norwin Middle School
Notre Dame-E Stroudsburg Notre Dame-E Stroudsburg
Notre Dame-Green Pond Notre Dame-Green Pond
Nueva Esperanza Charter Nueva Esperanza Charter
Oakland Catholic
Obama Academy Obama Academy
Octorara Octorara
Oil City Oil City
Old Forge Old Forge
Oley Valley Oley Valley
Oley Valley Middle School Oley Valley Middle School
Oliver Oliver
Olney Olney
Oswayo Valley Oswayo Valley
Otto-Eldred Otto-Eldred
Our Lady Of Sacred Heart Our Lady Of Sacred Heart
Overbrook Overbrook
Owen J Roberts Owen J Roberts
Oxford Area Oxford Area
Palisades Palisades
Palmerton Area Palmerton Area
Palmyra Palmyra
Panther Valley Panther Valley
Parkland Parkland
Parkway Center City Parkway Center City
Parkway West Parkway West
Paul Robeson Paul Robeson
Paxon Hollow
Paxon Hollow Middle School
Peabody Peabody
Pen Argyl Area Pen Argyl Area
Penn Penn
Penn Cambria Penn Cambria
Penn Hills Penn Hills
Penn Manor Penn Manor
Penn Middle School Penn Middle School
Penn Trafford Penn Trafford
Penn Wood Penn Wood
Penncrest Penncrest
Pennridge Pennridge
Penns Manor Penns Manor
Penns Valley Penns Valley
Pennsbury Pennsbury
Pennwood Pennwood
Pequea Valley Pequea Valley
Perkiomen Valley Perkiomen Valley
Perry Traditional Acad Perry Traditional Acad
Pet Charter Sch Pet Charter Sch
Peters Twp Peters Twp
Pgh Hs For Creat & Perf Arts Pgh Hs For Creat & Perf Arts
Philadelphia Central Philadelphia Central
Philadelphia HS for Girls Philadelphia HS for Girls
Philadelphia-Montgomery Christ Philadelphia-Montgomery Christ
Philipsburg Osceola Area Philipsburg Osceola Area
Phoenixville Area Phoenixville Area
Pine Grove Area Pine Grove Area
Pine-Richland Pine-Richland
Pittsburgh Central Catholic
Pittston Area Pittston Area
Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley
Plum Plum
Plum JHS Plum JHS
Plumstead Christian Sch Plumstead Christian Sch
Plymouth Whitemarsh Plymouth Whitemarsh
Pocono Mountain East Pocono Mountain East
Pocono Mountain West Pocono Mountain West
Pope John Paul II Pope John Paul II
Port Allegany Port Allegany
Portage Area Portage Area
Pottsgrove Pottsgrove
Pottstown Pottstown
Pottsville Area Pottsville Area
Preparatory Charter Sch Preparatory Charter Sch
Prospect Park Prospect Park
Punxsutawney Area Punxsutawney Area
Purchase Line Purchase Line
Quaker Valley Quaker Valley
Quakertown Quakertown
Quakertown Christian Quakertown Christian
Radnor Radnor
Reading Reading
Reading Central Catholic Reading Central Catholic
Reading Middle School Reading Middle School
Red Land Red Land
Red Lion Area Red Lion Area
Redbank Valley Redbank Valley
Renaissance Acad Renaissance Acad
Reynolds Reynolds
Richland Richland
Ridgway Area Ridgway Area
Ridley Ridley
Ridley School district
Ringgold Ringgold
River Valley River Valley
Riverside Riverside
Riverside (Ellwood City) Riverside (Ellwood City)
Riverside (Taylor) Riverside (Taylor)
Riverview Riverview
Robinson Twp Christian Robinson Twp Christian
Rochester Rochester
Rockwood Rockwood
Rocky Grove Rocky Grove
Roman Catholic
Roxborough Roxborough
Saegertown Saegertown
Saint Basil Acad
Saint Joseph's Catholic Saint Joseph's Catholic
Saint Joseph's Prep
Saint Pius X Saint Pius X
Salem Christian Sch Salem Christian Sch
Salisbury Twp Salisbury Twp
Sankofa Freedom Academy Sankofa Freedom Academy
Saucon Valley Saucon Valley
Saul Saul
Sayre Sayre
Sayre Area Sayre Area
Schuylkill Haven Area Schuylkill Haven Area
Schuylkill Valley Schuylkill Valley
Science Leadership Science Leadership
Scotland Sch Scotland Sch
Scranton Scranton
Scranton Prep Scranton Prep
Scranton State Sch Scranton State Sch
Seeds of Faith Christian Seeds of Faith Christian
Selinsgrove Area Selinsgrove Area
Seneca Seneca
Seneca Valley Seneca Valley
Serra Catholic Serra Catholic
Seton Catholic Seton Catholic
Seton Lasalle Seton Lasalle
Sewickley Acad Sewickley Acad
Shade Shade
Shady Side Academy Shady Side Academy
Shaler Area Shaler Area
Shamokin Area Shamokin Area
Sharon Sharon
Sharpsville Sharpsville
Sheffield Sheffield
Shenandoah Valley Shenandoah Valley
Shenango Shenango
Shikellamy Shikellamy
Shipley School Shipley School
Shippensburg Shippensburg
Simon Gratz Simon Gratz
Slippery Rock Area Slippery Rock Area
Smethport Area Smethport Area
Solanco Solanco
Solomon/Plains Solomon/Plains
Somerset Area Somerset Area
Souderton Area Souderton Area
South Allegheny South Allegheny
South Butler-Knoch South Butler-Knoch
South Fayette South Fayette
South Park South Park
South Philadelphia South Philadelphia
South Side Area South Side Area
South Western South Western
South Williamsport South Williamsport
Southern Columbia Area Southern Columbia Area
Southern Fulton Southern Fulton
Southern Huntingdon Co Southern Huntingdon Co
Southern Lehigh Southern Lehigh
Southmoreland Southmoreland
Southmoreland Junior High Southmoreland Junior High
Spring Ford Spring Ford
Spring Grove Spring Grove
Springdale Springdale
Springfield (Delco) Springfield (Delco)
Springfield Twp. (Montco) Springfield Twp. (Montco)
Springside Chestnut Hill Springside Chestnut Hill
Springside School Springside School
Springton Lake Middle School
Springton Lake Middle School B
St Gregorys Acad St Gregorys Acad
St. Hubert
St. Hubert Catholic St. Hubert Catholic
St. John Neumann St. John Neumann
St. John Neumann/MariaGoretti St. John Neumann/MariaGoretti
St. Joseph (Natrona Heights) St. Joseph (Natrona Heights)
St. Joseph's Catholic Acad St. Joseph's Catholic Acad
St. Marys Area St. Marys Area
State College State College
Steel Valley Steel Valley
Steelton Highspire Steelton Highspire
Sto Rox Sto Rox
Strath Haven Strath Haven
Strath Haven Middle School
Strawberry Mansion Strawberry Mansion
Strong Vincent Strong Vincent
Stroudsburg Stroudsburg
Sullivan County Sullivan County
Summit Acad
Sun Valley Sun Valley
Sunbury Christian Sunbury Christian
Susquehanna Susquehanna
Susquehanna Community Susquehanna Community
Susquehanna Twp Susquehanna Twp
Susquehannock Susquehannock
Susquenita Susquenita
Swenson Arts & Technology Swenson Arts & Technology
Tamaqua Area Tamaqua Area
Taylor Allderdice Taylor Allderdice
The City School The City School
The Ellis School The Ellis School
The Hill School The Hill School
The King's Academy The King's Academy
Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson
Tidioute Community Charter Tidioute Community Charter
Titusville Titusville
Towanda Area Towanda Area
Trafford Middle School Trafford Middle School
Tri-Valley Tri-Valley
Triboro Christian Triboro Christian
Trinity (Camp Hill) Trinity (Camp Hill)
Trinity (Washington) Trinity (Washington)
Trinity Christian Sch Trinity Christian Sch
Troy Troy
Tulpehocken Tulpehocken
Tulpehocken Area Junior High Tulpehocken Area Junior High
Tunkhannock Area Tunkhannock Area
Turkeyfoot Valley Area Turkeyfoot Valley Area
Tussey Mountain Tussey Mountain
Twin Valley Twin Valley
Twin Valley MS Twin Valley MS
Tyrone Area Tyrone Area
Union Union
Union Area Union Area
Union City Union City
Union City Area Union City Area
Uniontown Area Uniontown Area
Unionville Unionville
United United
University City University City
Upattinas Sch Upattinas Sch
Upper Darby Upper Darby
Upper Dauphin Area Upper Dauphin Area
Upper Dublin Upper Dublin
Upper Merion Area Upper Merion Area
Upper Moreland Upper Moreland
Upper Perkiomen Upper Perkiomen
Upper St. Clair Upper St. Clair
Valley Valley
Valley Forge Military Academy
Valley View Valley View
Vaux Vaux
Venango Catholic Venango Catholic
Veritas Acad Veritas Acad
Villa Joseph Marie
Villa Maria (Erie) Villa Maria (Erie)
Villa Maria (Malvern)
Village Charter Village Charter
Vincentian Academy Vincentian Academy
Wallenpaupac Wallenpaupac
Wallenpaupack Area Wallenpaupack Area
Walter Palmer Walter Palmer
Warren Area Warren Area
Warren Co Christian Sch Warren Co Christian Sch
Warrior Run Warrior Run
Warwick Warwick
Washington Washington
Watsontown Christian Watsontown Christian
Wayne Highla Wayne Highla
Waynesboro Area Waynesboro Area
Waynesburg Central Waynesburg Central
Weatherly Area Weatherly Area
Wellsboro Wellsboro
West Allegheny West Allegheny
West Branch Area West Branch Area
West Chester East West Chester East
West Chester Henderson West Chester Henderson
West Greene West Greene
West Middlesex West Middlesex
West Mifflin West Mifflin
West Perry West Perry
West Phila. Catholic West Phila. Catholic
West Philadelphia West Philadelphia
West Scranton West Scranton
West Shore Christian Academy West Shore Christian Academy
West Side Vo-Tech West Side Vo-Tech
West York Area West York Area
Western Beaver Western Beaver
Western Wayn Western Wayn
Western Wayne Western Wayne
Westinghouse Westinghouse
Westmont Hilltop Westmont Hilltop
Westtown School Westtown School
Whitehall Whitehall
Wilkes-Barre Area Wilkes-Barre Area
Wilkinsburg Wilkinsburg
William Allen William Allen
William Penn William Penn
William Penn Charter William Penn Charter
William Tennent William Tennent
Williams Valley Williams Valley
Williamsburg Williamsburg
Williamson Williamson
Williamsport Area Williamsport Area
Wilmington Area Wilmington Area
Wilson Wilson
Wilson Area Wilson Area
Wilson Central Jr. High Wilson Central Jr. High
Wilson Christian Acad Wilson Christian Acad
Wilson Southern JHS Wilson Southern JHS
Winchester Thurston Sch Winchester Thurston Sch
Windber Area Windber Area
Wissahickon Wissahickon
Woodland Hills Woodland Hills
World Communications Charter World Communications Charter
Wyalusing Valley Area Wyalusing Valley Area
Wyoming Area Wyoming Area
Wyoming Semi Wyoming Semi
Wyoming Seminary College Prep Wyoming Seminary College Prep
Wyoming Vall Wyoming Vall
Wyoming Valley West Wyoming Valley West
Wyomissing Wyomissing
Wyomissing Area Wyomissing Area
York Catholic York Catholic
York Co Sch Of Technology York Co Sch Of Technology
York Country Day York Country Day
York Suburban York Suburban
Yough Yough
Yough Middle School Yough Middle School
Youngsville Youngsville
derry area middle school derry area middle school
northley ms
Latest Results
2024 Susquehanna High School Invitational
SU High School Invitational
Ocean Breeze High School Invitational
2020 River Hawk High School Invitational
Douglas W. Wesner Memorial Invite
Kutztown Golden Bear H.S. Invitational
Ocean Breeze Freedom Games
Ocean Breeze Holiday Festival
Archdiocese of Philadelphia CYO Region 17 Championship Meet
2017 Frank Colden Invitational
Upcoming Meets
Date Meet
04-18-25 Bald Eagle Invite