Lake Mary Pre-Season 2021 Date: 02-13-21   Venue: Lake Mary - Lake Mary, FL
Types of Entrants:
    High Schools
Meet Events: Available
View All Entries: Available
Name: Ryan Lowe

Phone: 407-227-3085
Online entries CLOSED on 2/11/21 11:59 PM US/Eastern
Existing Users Login to Enter: New Users:
Meet Notes:


FEBRUARY 13, 2021


Entry fee $150 per school, $100 per gender if only bringing one gender.


Admission $5.00 for adults, $3.00 for students. Tickets for spectators can be purchased at


As per Seminole County Public Schools guidelines, we are not allowed to accept cash payments at the gate for admission. Spectators will need to present their phone to the gate and only then will we validate the ticket - do NOT validate the ticket until the Lake Mary staff tells you to do so at the gate.


Masks are required and capacity is limited to 1/3 of the maximum limit to promote social distancing.

Concession stand will be open all day


Each event will have unlimited entries so Coaches can get as many times as possible for

their athletes to start the season. The events are set-up so that we will alternate between a

longer distance and a shorter distance.


Contact Coach Ryan Lowe at 407-227-3085 or for questions.


7:45am Coaches Meeting


8:00am Meet starts (we will be on a rolling schedule)

Long Jump - 2 attempts each

Shot Put - 2 attempts each


1600 meter run

300 meter run

200 meter hurdles (hurdles will be placed at the 300 meter hurdle

height, 30” for females and 36” for males).

600 meter run

100 meter run