Citrus High Doug Patton Memorial Track and Field Championshi Date: 03-03-21   Venue: Citrus HS - Inverness, FL
Types of Entrants:
    High Schools
Meet Events: Available
Meet Program: Available
Name: Dan Epstein

Phone: 352 613 4478
Online entries CLOSED on 3/2/21 09:00 PM US/Eastern
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Meet Notes:
    This meet is an invitational. Please contact meet director at to get permission into meet. Thanks The cost is $100 per school or $50 per gender. Payments Make check payable to Citrus High School 600 W Highland Blvd Inverness, Fl 34452 3 entries per school for individual event 1 relay per school Consolation 800 for all runners not in an event list. Coaches meeting 4:00 Field Events 4:10 ORDER OF EVENTS: 4x800 begin at 4:10. Following 4x800: Consolation 800's, Girls 3200 Meters, Slower Heats of Boys' 1600 Meters. PLEASE PUT IN ACCURATE MARKS for the boys' 1600. ONLY THE TOP 14 will run after the girls' mile later in the meet. NOTE: We are saying heats-- thus these are all entered athletes and any heat can score. The girls 3200 will begin between 450-5:00. After the slower heats of the boy's mile, it is then the hurdles and a rolling schedule. Thank you.