Lewisville Hebron Sport: Men's Track & Field   
General Info

Leagues: UIL Class 6A
More Teams: Women's T&F
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Team Roster
Name Year
Holland, Zyair SR
Mclellan, Carter SR
Akere, Paul SR
Alex, Day SR
Alvarez, Mathew SR
Anderson, Christian SR
Baker, Stephen SR
Barrera, Ethan SR
Bass, Matt SR
Betts, Jaylin SR
Biggers, Byron SR
Bragalone, Blake JR
Branan, Brett SR
Breedlove, Jordan SR
Bridges, Takoda SR
Broadway, Isaiah SR
Brock , Hudson SR
Bronaugh, Trenton SR
Brown, Daniel SR
Brown, Rodrick SR
Brown, Sennett SR
Burton, Justin SR
Caracalas, Nikolas SR
Carroll, Seth SR
carter, kayden SR
Cartwright, Devon SR
Castillo, Ian SR
Christian, Charles SR
Claiborne, Mayka SR
Clincy, Lothario SR
Cole, William SR
Coppedge, Cole SR
Cortez, David SR
Cotten, Josh SR
Council, Anthony SR
Cox, Josh JR
Cutchens, Issac SR
Daniels, Braeden SR
Dawson, Daniel SR
Day, Alex SR
Day, Alexander SR
Dayani, Adam SR
Dean, Carson SR
Dean, Connor SR
Dennis, Drew SR
Dimas, Aidyn SR
Dixon, Calvin SR
Donavan, Jason SR
Dowdy, Grayson SR
Drew, Nathan SR
Elam, Andrew SR
Ellis, Riley SR
Enderlin, Ethan SR
Enderlin, Evan SR
Estrada, Franklin SR
Faulkner, Braydon SR
Fernando, KAi SR
Frank, Kendrick SR
Franklin, Lloyd SR
Frazier, Nick SR
Gamboa, Ramiro SR
Garcia, Briden SR
Gates-Bridges, Trejan SR
German, Bryson SR
Gloor, Cameron SR
Gloor, Zach JR
Goodrich, Dylan SR
Grandos, Richard SR
Grant, Nathan SR
Guss, Brandon SR
Hardy, Ethan SR
Harris, Carson SR
Harris, Greg SR
Harris, Will SR
Henchey, Logan SR
Henry, Jaden SR
Hernandez, Bishop SR
Hildago, Michael SR
Hoggard, Luke SR
Holleron, Case SR
Holverson, Jackson SR
Horton, Sean SR
Howard, Noah SR
Ibe, Austin SR
Jackson, Johnathan SR
Jasso, Donovan SR
Jenkins, Jordan SR
Johnson, Cameron SR
Johnson, Logan SR
Johnson, Marques SR
Johnson, Ryan SR
Jones, Brayden SR
Jones, Daylon SR
Karsono, Nathan SR
Kelley, Nicolas SR
Kim, Daniel SR
Langford, Ian SR
Le, Anthony JR
Le, Jason SR
Lechleitner, Boone JR
Lechleitner, Tripp JR
Lee, Ethan SR
Lee, Jarret SR
Leon, Michael SR
Leonty, David SR
Lester, Jonathan JR
Lester, Manny SR
Lewis, Nathan SR
Lewis, Saxon SR
Lightfoot, Dylan SR
Logan, Jacob SR
Lott, Jaylon SR
Lowe, Ryan SR
Lowery, Peyton SR
Lundgren, Collin SR
Luvianos, Angel SR
Mack, Alec SR
Madewell, Corbin SR
Mazur, Aiden SR
Mckee, Jack SR
Mckee, Ryan SR
McQuigg, Aidan JR
Merutka, Andrew SR
Miller, Conner SR
Miller, Vincent SR
Miller, Vinson SR
MItchell, Brooks SR
Mitchell, Brooks SR
Mitchell, Jaren SR
Mitchell, Matthew SR
Molina, Evan JR
Montez, Antonio SR
Montez, DeMario SR
Moundine, Greg SR
Newton, Colby SR
Nguyen, Ethan SR
Nhes, Phillip SR
nitcholas, bryler SR
Norrell, Mathew SR
Nyguen, Ethan SR
Ohumaegbulem, Emeka SR
Olatunji, Joseph SR
Onu, Bo SR
Onuwabhagbe, Joe SR
Orsak, Lake SR
Ortega-Johnson, Daniel SR
Patel, Kavish SR
Paulette, Grant SR
Pearson, Hogan SR
Perkins, Alex SR
Perryman, Corey SR
Peterson, Erick SR
Peterson, Erick SR
Petty, Lucas SR
Phillips, Cal SR
Phillips, Cole SR
Potts, Jeremy JR
Powell, Avery SR
Powell, Evan SR
Praider, Rashon SR
Querrey, Daniel SR
Reeves, Mason SR
Rehfuss, Luke SR
Reyes, Enrrique SR
Reynolds, Jayden SR
Richards, Andre SR
Richards, Zach SR
Rivera - Campos, Elijiah SR
Rivera-Campos, Elijiah SR
Robinson, Torrobric SR
Rodgers, Chase SR
Rogers, Bo SR
Rosen, Kyle SR
Royal, Damon SR
Sanchez, Jimmy SR
Scott, Mark SR
Sheffield, Mason SR
Shirey, Seth SR
Sibley, Alec SR
Slater, Jalen SR
Slaton, Tristan SR
Slomka, Tyler SR
Smallwood, Dre SR
Smith, Collin SR
Smith, Josh SR
Smith, Quinton SR
Snow, Jarren SR
Song, Christian SR
Squalls, Ryan SR
Stewart, Cameron SR
Taylor, Evan SR
Taylor, Jatyn SR
Thompson, Jeremy SR
Tomancak, Hayden SR
Tubs, Donovan SR
Tucker, Christian SR
Tune, Clayton SR
Vaughn, Derian SR
Vega, Leon SR
Vorhaben, Adam SR
Waffer, Khi'yon SR
Waites, Kadyn SR
Wales, Joe SR
Warren, Deandre SR
Watson, Parker SR
Webber, JD SR
Welch, Gavin SR
White, Dayln SR
White, Devin SR
White, William SR
Wigfall, Jonathon SR
Williams, Evan SR
Williams, Tibyus SR
Wilson, Jalon SR
Winkler, Whitney SR
Wright, Aidan SR
Wright, Mitchell SR
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Date Meet
03/28-03/29/25 2025 97th Clyde Littlefield Texas Relays (High Schools)
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