Episcopal (Bellaire) Sport: Men's Track & Field   
General Info

Leagues: Southwest Preparatory Conference
More Teams: Women's T&F
Men's XC
Women's XC
Men's Swimming
Women's Swimming
Team Roster
Name Year
Albee, Shivam JR
Ayanegui, Alan SR
Baird, Daniel SR
Bloomgren, Parker FR
Browder, Durham JR
Bruton, John SR
Burroughs, Jonathan SR
Carlson, Benjamin JR
Castillo, Kadin SR
Champenoy, Gavin SO
Citizen, Will SR
Clark, Marcos JR
Cook, Lawrence SR
Curtin, Nico FR
Denmon, Omar SR
Durand, Jean-Paul (JP) SR
Farrell, David JR
Fowler, Carson SR
Gaither, Clayton SR
Galbreth, Tennessee JR
Gathright, Sean FR
Gay, Colby SR
Gillespie, Kade FR
Gips, James FR
Gordon, Karson SR
Graham, Cailen SR
Gray, Chase SR
Harkness, Matthew SR
Hicks, Carson SR
Holzhauser, Jacob JR
Howenstine, Beck SR
Jackson, Donovan SR
Johnson, Josh SR
Johnson II, Travis JR
Jordan, Harrison FR
Kinzel, Henry SR
Linebarger, Lane SR
Linebarger, Ryder SR
Luengas, Grayson SO
Marcoux, Patrick SO
Marino, Sam SR
Mathews, Constantine SR
McMillian, Isaiah JR
Merriam, Christophe SR
Mey, Mark-Anthony SR
Morgan, Madden JR
Moursund, William SR
Oldham, Nicholas SR
Oldham, Nicholas SR
Otah, Jason SR
Pacey, Will JR
Paluk, Noah FR
Peeler, Carter SR
Reitmeier, Reece SR
Ringwald, Craig JR
Ringwald, Evan SR
Rodriguez, Guillermo SR
Salters, Dylan SR
Sampson, Garon SR
Seaworth, Ben SR
Smith, Dilyn SO
Smith, Henry SR
Smith, Justin SR
Stahlbaum, Pierce SO
Taylor, DeVonte SR
Thomas, Rodney JR
Thompson, Daniel SR
Thompson, Daniel SR
Thompson, Sean SR
Thorne, Cooper (James) JR
Vaden, Walker FR
Waters, Luke SR
Woodard, Chase SR
Latest Results
2024 96th Clyde Littlefield Texas Relays
The 41st Victor Lopez Classic
2023 95th Clyde Littlefield Texas Relays
The 40th Victor Lopez Classic (High School)
Carl Lewis High School Invitational
Victor Lopez Classic (High School)
2022 94th Clyde Littlefield Texas Relays
TSU Relays
2022 Strake Jesuit Crusader Invitational
Carl Lewis High School Invitational
Upcoming Meets
Date Meet
03/27-03/29/25 42nd Victor Lopez Classic (High School)
03/28-03/29/25 2025 97th Clyde Littlefield Texas Relays (High Schools)
Top Performances