Benton Sport: Women's Track & Field   
General Info

Leagues: IHSA Class A
IL Top Times-Class 2A
More Teams: Men's T&F
Men's XC
Women's XC
Men's Swimming
Women's Swimming
Team Roster
Name Year
Atchison, Carly SO
Barry, Briley SR
Barry, Shayne SO
Brandon, Aliyah SR
Carollo, Kallie SO
Carollo, Makena SO
Cockrum, Madelyn SO
Drew, Victoria JR
Kinkade, Gemma SR
Mabrey, Addison SO
Martin, Abi FR
Martin, Natalia SO
Mathews, Emma SR
McCay, Allyson SO
McLain, Analisse FR
Minor, Ava SO
Minor, Rayden FR
Minson, Skyla JR
Mitchell, Josie JR
Morris, Preslee FR
Moyers, Olivia JR
Neitzel, Brooklyn FR
Neitzel, Tessa SR
Ren, Jennie JR
Sloan, Tenzley JR
Zazzetti, Jaydin JR
Latest Results
Marion Old S7/Last Chance Indoor
34th Annual SIU HS Invite
Benton Girls Invitational
Joe Elliot Girls Indoor Track and Field Invitational
SIU High School Invite (Girls)
Harrisburg Girls Invitational
SIRR Conference
Don Webb Invitational
Southern Illinois HS Girls Invitational
Joe Elliot Girls Indoor Track and Field Invitational
Upcoming Meets
Date Meet
03/07-03/08/25 35th Annual SIU HS Invite
Top Performances
Event Season Athlete Year Time/Mark
60m Indoor Kinkade, Gemma JR 8.37
200m Indoor Kinkade, Gemma JR 28.45
400m Indoor Mitchell, Josie SO 1:12.28
800m Indoor Mathews, Emma JR 2:48.08
1,600m Indoor Ren, Jennie SO 6:39.13
60m H Indoor Frailey, Brooklyn SR 10.42
4 x 200m Relay Indoor   2:03.47
4 x 400m Relay Indoor   4:55.02
4 x 800m Relay Indoor   11:28.34
High Jump Indoor Mathews, Emma JR 1.33m
Long Jump Indoor Kinkade, Gemma JR 4.85m
Triple Jump Indoor Johnson, Blakely SR 28'  3.5"
Shot Put Indoor Zazzetti, Jaydin SO 8.69m
Available Years (top times):